Precious jewelry: how to get a good valuation?

If you want to know the market value of your precious jewelry or if you plan to sell it, before the transaction it will be essential to find the right price. In most cases, you can entrust this operation to a jewelry valuation expert who can do it for free or it can be paid for.

Who to contact for a good estimation?

Estimation for jewelry cannot be done by just anyone. For the expertise to be valid, it must be carried out by an approved specialist. For the most recent jewelry, it can be done by a gemologist, a jeweler or a jeweler. For older pieces, it is recommended to hire an auctioneer. If you want to make an appraisal of your precious jewelry, estimate a valuable jewelry on is free. He gives you the estimated  market's price and also supports you in completing the transaction at its fair value. The expertise of jewelry is delicate; it requires a perfect knowledge of the stones and metals that compose them as well as their manufacturing technique.

Why estimate your valuable jewelry?

The valuation of jewelry is necessary in the context of sharing in case of an inheritance, a sale or to insure your precious jewelry. Since valuables are most likely to be on the lookout for burglars, it is advisable to insure them. Before choosing the contract, your insurance company needs your jewelry estimate. Once appraised, you will have the value of your object. There are three types of insurance offered by insurance companies: the simplest is the comprehensive home contract; the most detailed and precise is the declared value contract and the best suited to valuable jewelry is the agreed value contract. For the latter, in the event of a claim, there is no discussion; the insurance company will reimburse you on the basis value established previously.

How to estimate jewelry by yourself?

If you don't have time or don't want to visit a jewelry expert you can find out the karat count: 24, 18, 14, 9 karats of your gold items. Look for the hallmark on the jewelry using a magnifying glass. The hallmark will let you know the value of gold. Another way to estimate your gold jewelry is to measure the object's weight. You can use karat scales, but you can also use a mechanical or digital scale. Once the weight in grams is known, multiply it by the cost of the gram of gold and you will get the value of your precious possessions.
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