Art Estimation

mantel clock

How do I know if my mantel clock is valuable?

To determine the value of your mantel clock, you must first learn the various traits and characteristics of a mantel clock. Then you must learn how to identify these characteristics in a mantel clock or an antique clock. For example,…

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Online art valuation: how does it work?

In order to sell a work of art, you must have it estimated by a reputable expert. With the development of new technology, all steps can be taken online. However, you need to consider the reliability, skill and experience of…

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What is an estate inventory?

The estate inventory simply lists all of the deceased’s properties to assess the amount of their estate. This list is not obligatory, however, it is better to implement it so as not to collapse because of the debts of the…

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Precious jewelry: how to get a good valuation?

If you want to know the market value of your precious jewelry or if you plan to sell it, before the transaction it will be essential to find the right price. In most cases, you can entrust this operation to…

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Selling an art object at auction: how does it work?

There are many reasons why you can auction your works of art. You may be in possession of a piece of furniture, jewelry, silverware or a painting that you want to get rid of. For this, the auction is one…

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Which professional can estimate a work of art?

Have you been sorting through your belongings and have found some works of art? Would you like to have them evaluated to find out what they are worth? In this case, there are several available solutions  for you. In particular,…

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